The TCM-Klinik Erstfeld offers the following treatments in our practice:


The best-known method of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is probably acupuncture. This medical science developed over 2000 years ago in China. According to Chinese teachings, the body is covered by energy channels, the so-called meridians. These meridians guide the flow of energy. In the event of pain, scars or other complaints, this energy can often no longer flow properly and an imbalance occurs in the body. Acupuncture needles are used to influence and direct this energy flow. The various combinations of acupuncture points enable countless, highly specific treatment options for all types of symptoms. A significant improvement can often be seen after just a few treatments.

Thorn therapy 

Gentle spinal and joint alignment according to thorn is a very effective treatment concept. By controlling and correcting the statics in the body, pain in the musculoskeletal system can be alleviated in the long term. As a pair of nerves emerges from each vertebra, which supplies organs and tissues, thorn therapy can also have a positive effect on these areas. The therapy is also used for preventative health care and as a guide to self-help. The self-help exercises are an important part of this method.

LNB pain therapy

Liebscher & Bracht developed pain point pressure to permanently release misprogrammed muscle tension. By applying pressure to specific pain point receptors, the brain is prompted to release muscle tension. The pain is released and the muscular-fascial balance can be restored. 

Nutritional therapy 

Our diet can have a major influence on our health. We can decide for ourselves what we bite into every day. A healthy diet is probably the most important "medicine" for our body. In individual nutritional counselling, we meet people where they are. Together, we work out ways of eating healthily in everyday life to improve complaints and regain a good body feeling.

Craniosacral therapy 

The cerebrospinal fluid circulates rhythmically between the cranium (head) and the sacrum (sacrum). This rhythm influences the development and function of the whole person. Changes in this system provide indications for therapeutic work. Blockages and patterns of tension can be released from within in interaction with the organism. Craniosacral therapy has proven effective in the treatment of pain and illness and also helps to alleviate anxiety and states of exhaustion. It strengthens the immune system and supports recovery after accidents and operations. This gentle form of therapy is suitable for people of all ages, it is also suitable for pregnant women and can also help babies in the first few weeks of life.